Today's scripture was I Corinthians 13:4-6. It was a great message about real love, and using your love to enrich you, guard you, and protect you. Love is kind, love is patient, etc. If you truly have love in your heart it will show in everything you do. Do things with love.
My name, Skyler, means shelter, protection, and scholar. I think my name is perfect for me, because I am a very caring person and would do anything to protect ones I love. This excerpt of Pastor Jarvis E. Bailey's, Three Minutes with God devotional book, asks what our name of God is. He could be your protector, your deliverer, your healer, etc. Right now, God is my friend. In the past he has been my healer, my protector, and much more. He was what I need when I need it. Being out here trying to pursue big dreams calls for a mighty friend.
Today is the end of an amazing family vacation. A beautiful 3 story beach house in Virginia Beach has been our home for the past 3 days. Spending quality time with family means the world to me. I love this scripture, because it's so evident in the life I live. Having such a huge family means I have access to ton of wisdom and guidance. I am thankful to have such supporting and caring parents, and two brothers that always have my back. And the extended family is just a huge plus. I have transformed in to a woman, and now I am looking at my younger family with different eyes. In a way, we are the next generation to follow the great footsteps our parents have guided us in. Treasure family always. :D
This is an excerpt from the weekly devotional book, Three Minutes with God, by Pastor Jarvis Bailey. By naming this "Coffee-Bean Women" he is saying that these women made change, such as coffee beans do in hot water. They made a change by standing up to something they believed was wrong, and God agreed. We are to make change. To God our Savior, who alone is wise, be the glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. This is an excerpt from the weekly devotional book, Three Minutes with God, by Pastor Jarvis Bailey. Basically, the people important in our lives will not always understand our motives or agree. Jude did not initially follow Jesus, but once he figured out Jesus was who He said he was, he did. In my life I have actually experienced similar situations. There are even times I don't fully understand, but I do what I truly believe is the path God has given me. Those who are real will understand, because in the end it all comes together. I have faith all will see what I believe my purpose is, because it's just a matter of time I will be living it. When I finish I will have made my mark.
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. " This is an excerpt from the weekly devotional book, Three Minutes with God, by Pastor Jarvis Bailey. I love this scripture, because it reminds me that time is of the essence. I am a firm believer that everyone on this planet has a purpose. It is wise to value the time we are given to make a difference in this world. It is wise to understand our purpose and fully invest in it, because God has set a number of days for us to accomplish our ultimate purpose. I am fully aware of what my purpose is, and have been investing in it for years. Every day is a day at work to fulfill my purpose. Are you working to fulfill God's plan for your life?
So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. " " This is an excerpt from the weekly devotional book, Three Minutes with God, by Pastor Jarvis Bailey. In order to fully give our all to Jesus Christ we need to make sacrifices. This calls for surrendering wordily possessions, or plans we create for our own path. To fully be guided by the Lord you have to be selfless and surrender.
For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place ... Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? " This is an excerpt from the weekly devotional book, Three Minutes with God, by Pastor Jarvis Bailey. Truth will come with the right question. Nobody knows actual fate, but the Lord above. He has a plan for everyone. I strive to stay on His path, because who knows? It could be my time. :)
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore " I always strive to stay on the right path. God's path. Honestly, I can tell when I've strayed away...especially if there is no fullness of joy or pleasure. God's path for me was made specifically for me.
Skyler ReedMy life is a song still being my lyrics evolve. Archives
December 2020